I haven't done much this week at all. Monday, nothing. Well, I take that back, I did color with Sharpies and cook dinner. Tuesday, hung out at my sister's all day and played Mario 3 on their Wii. The maid came. PRAISE HIS NAME. So, our goal is to keep it spotless before Titus comes. If I don't do anything, then it stays clean. I did get after the doors with paint yesterday. Don't worry it didn't smell. They were just dingy and I wanted them to look sparkly. :)
I made dinner for my sweet friend's The Baker's as well. Natasha had Jacob on Saturday. 9lbs people and NO C-SECTION! If you've seen her, you'd know this is amazing. Although, she did fracture her tailbone. EEEK. So, she's been in more pain than normal. We've walked through this pregnancy together, have the same Dr. and giving birth at the same hospital. It all made it very real!
I'm having no symptoms thus far. Just getting up to pee 7 times a night. That's super annoying. I feel like he's doing a hand stand on my bladder every hour! It's terribly painful and it's like heaven once I sit on the toilet. :) Sorry for image.
Everything is ready on this front! Although, I haven't really packed my bags. I should probably do that. Most of the stuff I'm taking is in a pile, just not in a bag or suitcase. I feel like it will make it all to real if I bust that out.
Anyways, not much else to say.....going to the Dr. on Friday for my 38 week check up. We'll see what he says. If I've made it to the next Friday, he'll do another sono to see how big he is and probably induce. I don't want to induce. I just want to go into labor on my own. However, Natasha is a rock star and waited to get her epidural till she was a 6. I can only hope to be as brave as her.
Bye for now...
Sorry girl, I'm afraid you may get bigger and I give you a couple more weeks. Ha! I promise I'm not trying to torture you. ;) You'll do amazing whatever the circumstance of your labor. And you will be an amzing mom!!
It does make it so real when a friend has a baby that has been going through all of this with you! I feel left behind all the sudden!
I also don't want to be induced but I can sense from my doctor that she thinks that is what will happen. These first time babies much just like their homes a little too much. I really feel like Ellie will NOT come out! Here's to hoping that we both actually go into labor!
Here's a happy thought for you...I was scheduled to be induced at 5:30 in the morning (with Eden) and I ended up going into labor on my own at 3am! I'll pray for that to be your story too!!! :) Good luck!!!
You are live via blog! Great to see you today at the baby sucker store. Sucks you in!
I'll be praying for you and you look amazing. cute, round belly all in the front! :)
Big hugs sweetie,
Such a pretty pregnant woman!! I can't believe it's almost time. I remember when you announced that you were pregnant, so crazy. Such a blessing for you...I can't wait to meet him : )
That's so great that you're being induced the same day as me. I would be that you have a better chance of going into labor on your own than I do...I really think this girl would just stay inside forever if it were up to her! I am praying to at least have made some progress before they induce me.
Okay, I just re-wrote that comment because I didn't realize it was waiting to be approved and thought that I just didn't push enter or something. I am sorry! I'm dumb.
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