I'll get cutesied up one day and show you a better picture. What, you don't like the cut off mirror pic? By the way, that orange mirror will go in Little Boy's room. I will not give away what his room will look like until it is completely done. I ordered his bedding today! And, no, it's not being made. I bought it. I know some of you can't believe it! It won't be a girly little boy room. It's very modern and I LOVE IT!!!!
By the way, I played that keyboard for the first time in about 10 months today. It was SOOO refreshing. But, I'm a little rusty. It will have to be moved soon. As a matter of fact, I had to dust it big time before putting my hands on it!
The living area. You can't tell, but there is this REALLY cool tile on the fireplace. It's this chocolate brown damask. It looks like a tin ceiling, but it's really tile. I love it. We thought about painting the mantle, but then felt a little too crazy. So, I'm trying to add color elsewhere such as the pillows on the couch. That brown chair is a bit misplaced. We're going to get a chair/recliner there, but one thing a time here people! Peter REALLY wants one now. You can tell I'm sitting on the couch.
Watching this. I really want my kitchen to look like this one day. The green tile with the tiffany blue cabinets and stainless steel counter tops! LOOOOVE IT!
Here's a fun project that I did! I found a calender at Paper Source, cut it up, and put it in frames! Antique birds. My mom says she's scared of birds. Oops.
Peter meticulously hung them on the wall. :

LAST BUT NOT LEAST! We got the mom car. :) Well, far from it in my book! Peter has been feverishly researching SUV's for me. Both of our cars are 2 door and so we knew the enevitable was about to happen. But, the Lord was faithful, and we found this. We also paid cash for it! So, no car payments! You're welcome Dave Ramsey. It's a beautiful, Pearl White, Limited Edition, 2002 Ford Explorer. :) Yes, it's older than both of our other vehicles. :) HAAA. It has 77K miles on, leather interior and is in mint condition!!!!! Praise Jesus! We just hope it's mechanically okay!!! So far, in the last week and half, it has run great. But, I guess you always take that chance when buying a 2002 vehicle in 2009.

So, there you go!!! That took me FOREVER!!!!! I remember why I don't do this very often anymore. My rear is numb and I'm hungry. :)
Hope this tides you over for a while!!