Things have been good the last couple of weeks. Peter and I have been VERY busy. He more than I because of his job. I didn't see him much last week because he worked about 80 night he had to work until 5:30am. He said that would NEVER happen again. He was so frustrated about that. His whole team stayed to finalize some budget that was due at 8 the next morning that had alot of holes in it from the last guy in charge. Peter is such a hard worker and always wants to do his best..he's been pretty down about it lately.
On top of that he still hasn't found a truck....we are desperately trying to get out of debt. It's funny, neither one of us had much before we got married. It was almost a blessng having that wreck, because we got to pay off Peter's wrecked truck and my car!!! But, taking Peter to work in the mornings is a bummer. It's not been that bad, but it's hard to wake up! I'm getting used to it. Picking him up in the evenings isn't that bad either. But, who really want to be a one car family? We'll do it as long as we have too. We're just praying for the Lord's will as far as that is concerned. Get a used beat up one for cheap, or go ahead and get a new one...frustrating when you are really trying to get out of debt.
Anyways, that's neither here nor there.
Peter has been playing soccer this month on Tuesday's or Wednesday's nights. He love it. Last night he scored 4 goals. He's pretty competitive so it's pretty fun for him. Although, because of lack of exercise, he has a horrible wheasy cough on into the night. I just giggle. I have become a soccer mom. Last night I yelled at a guy on the other team because he straight pushed Peter over on purpose. What was funny, is Peter got foul, FOR BEING PUSHED DOWN! I don't think I could play soccer. I might start cussing. Kidding..kind of. I'm sure I'll be a soccer mom in the future and I'll have to hold my tongue. :)
I have been subbing the past 2 weeks at a high school down the street from my apartment. It's been fun, but VERY BORING. I load up my bag in the mornings with tons of books, etc. I take my computer, but only to play games or to make outlines of a book I am reading! HAHHA, that's how boring it is!! I've been lucky though, because I'm not disciplined about reading and spending time in the word. It's been an incredible 2 weeks as far as that is concerned. I am studying a book called "Christian Beliefs."

It's a pretty thin book but it has SO much information it. It's been great to be reminded of who God is and be able to retain important scriptures! I also finished a book called Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney. It talks 7 virtues of a Godly wife and mother! It really has rocked my face off and I encourage everyone to read it! Thanks to Lauren....I got a good and challenging read! :)
Anyways, high school kids are definitley my favorite. I did sub at a middle school one day. And, let me tell you, it's a COMPLETLEY different world over here!! The kids are incredible! Course, I was teaching 6th grade AP Language Arts? I didn't even know that existed! :) hah.
Yesterday I taught Pre-Cal and AP Pre-Cal. The last period of the day, there were 2 kids that were bussed over from the middle school. One of them was TEN YEARS OLD! Not to mention he was a 10 year old in the 8th grade coming to the high school for AP PRE-CAL! Whatever...needless to say, I felt stupid. Sort of.
This past weekend Peter and I went to a movie. We couldn't compromise on anything so, we went to see Freedom Writers. It was fantastic. It kind of reminded me of Dangerous Minds. :)
We're looking forward to going skiing next week. We leave a week from today and return next Sunday the 11th. We are going to Wolf Creek with our marriage counselor and his wife and a few other people from Denton Bible. I haven't been skiing since college and I am SO ready to hit the slopes!! Peter says he's going to snow board, so I assume I'll be skiing by myself the whole time. I'm too chicken to snowboard. I'd rather enjoy my money's worth and just do something I'm experienced in. :)
Well, I have to go back to school now. I went to school and realized I had the first 2 periods off. Oh heavens. So, I left to go home with snow falling down! It was beautiful! :) I'm ready to see ALOT of snow next week!!!
Hopefully the next time I return I will have more to say with PICTURES to illustrate. ;)
Love you all...