Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Friday!

I'm currently eating a handful of grapes and strawberries for my mid-morning snack. Or, shall I say, every hour snack. I'm trying to do better about putting healthy things in my body instead of others. :) It's hard. I crave cold, fresh stuff, but never have had any of it around. Well, as of Wednesday, we finally have a stocked refrigerator! I finally had the courage to go to the store.

It's been a good week. I honestly think I'm a week ahead of what my sonogram said. The first time I went to the doctor he told me my due date was August 25th, which was right on with what I guessed. Then, we had our first sonogram and he said I was measuring 8 weeks on the day I was supposed to be 9 weeks. My mother-in-law retired from sonograhy and said that the first sonogram will never be as good as the rest because the doctor is doing it. I started laughing, but she said, they're just pretty quick about it and most aren't as accurate. This has rung true with several of my friends. So, I could be almost 11 weeks or almost 10 weeks today. One week difference feels like an eternity!! I think I'm just ready for the first trimester to be over. I think things are looking up! I haven't been that nauseous since Sunday! And, boy Sunday was a rough day!!

We hired a maid until the baby comes. I know, sounds crazy, but because Peter and I both work 30 minutes from the house, it seems like an impossibility to keep the house clean. We have done so many home improvements since we've moved in that the dust has accumulated everywhere!! You'll laugh when I tell you this, but she was at our house from 2:45pm yesterday until almost 10 pm!!!!! I felt so bad for her, although she was supposed to be there at 8:30am. Hmm, so, I guess I don't feel too bad seeing as I paid her extra for cleaning the window seals.
She did a fantastic job. She is 23 and has 6 kids!!!! Peter says he wants to help her out as much as we can. (I personally thinks he likes a spic and span house and knows I won't be able to do it as well as her while pregnant.) Thanks Peter.

Yesterday I ran home for lunch to let Charlie out. I come home to find a WHOLE roll of toilet paper completely shredded, a box of my Preggie Pops, and a decorative A from Anthropologie completely torn up! I have to say I was shocked and mad!! I've never spanked Charlie, but I did yesterday. I popped her so hard on the nose and put her outside. I was mostly worried about her chewing up every single piece of the preggie pop candy. She seemed to unwrap each individual one and leave the wrapper on the ground. When I got in the car, I teared up. I was so sad that I had hit her!! If you could only know Charlie..she is the most sensitive animal I know. Those precious ears bend all the way back and she hides!! Peter and I decided we haven't been keeping her as active lately because of the cold. So, last night we bundled up and went for a walk. We headed to the middle school across the street and ran her to death! She was so tired when we got home! She crashed out. You can probably guess where she is today. Yes, outside.
Bottom line, we have a spoiled ROTTEN dog.

This morning I finally felt uncomfortable in my jeans. It was kinda sad. I wore them anyways and will probably have to unbutton them by the end of the day. I'm trying to hold off on the pregnancy pants as long as I can people.

Moving on.....thanks Amanda for the recommendation on the prayer book during pregnancy! I got in the mail yesterday and am SO excited to read through it. Apparently I forgot this morning.

I sure have been watching alot of television lately. My shows of choice are Gossip Girl, Privileged, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, LOST, and Private Practice. Peter and I have had such a good time watching American Idol this season. I love watching him laugh hysterically at some of the people and expressions that the judges make. He really gets into it. And, then tries to mimic them later.

What else...ohh yeah! My sweet friend Sarah fell on the ice on her driveway on Wednesday night and broke her leg!! She had surgery pretty quick after that on Wednesday late. I will be heading down to see her this evening to try to cheer her up!

That's all I have for now! TGIF!



allyo said...

Oh no... I had no idea about Sara. She only lives about 5-6 minutes from our house. I need to go visit too. I miss you. Enjoyed the update!

Lauren Williams said...

yeah! i hope you start blogging more once you are not working. your blogs crack me up :)

Elly Doran said...

You sound so happy , sick and all! I am truly excited for you and Peter. Have a great day Miss Molly!

campers said...

soo you need to get a belly won't have to buy prego pants for a LONG time...they are the best...I had two!!!

Amanda said...

I'm so excited for you about your pregnancy! Yeah! I'm glad you got the book and I hope you enjoy it. Your housekeeper will be the best thing ever and you should do whatever it takes to keep her around after Baby comes. Just my humble opinion.

Katie said...

My dog constantly chews up toilet paper and pretty much anything else that she can find and she is 7 years old! I always feel the same way when I have to punish her. They get over really fast and then they're your best friend again. Congrats on the pregnancy!

Ashley said...

First of all, I also loved cold, fresh things when I was prego with Anna. I ate what I could get my hands on with Grey. HA! Second, AMEN to a maid! Way to go! Third, girl it's gonna be a long pregnancy if you think a week is an eternity! Fourth, just get you some prego pants already. You'll feel better, and they are worth every penny and every minute you have them. And they have cute ones! Last, I love tv.

coneandmo said...

Dogs are sooo sensitive to your hormones and can tell that your prego...ours have been acting out too! :) Happy Pregnancy!

Laura said...

I love the catch ups on you! I can't wait to find out hwat you are having. I craved cold fruit too! And I am jealous of the maid! That is awesome! Sorry you had to spank Charlie! LY!

Dawntoya and Adam said...

Hey, a maid is the way to go and I am sure that you guys will be a blessing to her and her 6 kids since that is really what matters! Dont get maternity jeans until you HAVE to! Use that rubber band and the belly band!! You shouldnt have to get mat jeans for awhile!

The Davis Daily said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea that you were knocked up! I just started reading your blog and there it was. I asked Kelby if he knew and of course he did. He thought he had already told me.Men!! Any whoo, congrats your almost to your 12th week. Keep us posted on your blog. Oh and I agree with Campers on getting a bella band. Of course I don't know that much about them but all my friends who have babies do. I will keep your friend and you in my prayers.