Tuesday, July 17, 2007

50 Things..........

50 Things about me you may not know.

1. I hate to sing in front of 2 or 3 people.
2. I get splotchy when I get nervous or cry.
3. I love to cook.
4. I keep our apartment clean, but not my car.
5. I want a dog as soon as possible.
6. I want a baby as soon as possible. ahhaa
7. I could eat chips and salsa (specific kinds) for every meal.
8. I sleep at least 9 hours every night.
9. I take a bath every night, no matter if I have showered twice that day.
10. I love to stare at people and eves drop into strangers conversations. (Peter hates this.)
11. I hate unloading and loading the dishwasher.
12. I have a unhealthy obsession with New York.
13. I pinch my stomach when I get nervous or sick. (this results in bruises.) my mom thought I might need to go to the psychiatric hospital for a while....kidding.
14. I am a pen/sharpie collector. I get giddy when I get new pins.
15. When I am nervous I laugh alot.
16. I love to wakeboard, but secretly I am scared of it.
17. I am scared to get in the ocean, but I love going to the beach. :) Does this make sense?
18. I am scared to throw up. I'll be nauseated for 3 days before I actually throw up. :) hahaha.
19. I'm not sure what I will do when I get pregnant. PRAY? Oh...yea.
20. I have these really annoying chin hairs that I have to pluck. All because of Cassy, my roommate in college. She had an obsession with the tweezers and got after my blonde chin hairs one day.
21. I fall asleep in almost every movie I watch past 9 oclock. (Theater or not.)
22. I have lived in 6 apartments in the last 6 years!
23. I am ready for a real home. (see 22.)
24. I get allergy shots once a week.
25. I was in love with my husband my junior and senior year of high school.
26. I actually drove by his house daily. (Stalking?) Maybe.
27. My stalking paid off and I won his heart. ;)
28. I'm a hypochondriac about getting sick. Most any kind of sickness.
29. I joined The Village recovery for my unhealthy FEAR issues.
30. Almost every night, I have an extremely weird dream.
31. I didn't kiss boy until I was 18.
32. I had braces for 6 years.
33. Along with my braces, I wore almost every single appliance known in the orthodontic world. hmmmm.
34. I have sung in almost 70 weddings.
35. I have been a bridesmaid 11 times. 11 times = 11 dresses hanging at my parents house.
36. Peter tells me I morph into a different person when I talk to my mom on the phone. I have several voices apparently.
37. Everytime I stretch I chant C-O-U-G-A-R-S SWITCH. Freshman volleyball anyone? :)
38. I love sour patch kids and hot tamales.
39. I have been in 4 car wrecks.
40. I have received 2 speeding tickets since the age of 16.
41. I have an unhealthy obsession with dogs and babies.
42. I try to run as fast as my husband. I fail miserably and almost pass out. Afterall, he is "White Lightning."
43. I don't have anything else to say.
44. Oh, I HATE fruit flies.


Sharee Forman said...

Molly, reading your blog makes me happy!! I laughed as I read it picturing you at times, and at others because I think the same way! Thanks for sharing. :)

the thorntons said...

I am proud to say that I knew most of those things already!! I guess knowing and loving you for 18 years (can you believe that?!?) has paid off!

andydawn said...

I have an unhealthy obsession with NYC too!! I remember you with braces too in 4th grade Mrs. Bagley :)

Laura said...

i love this post! I have to say #2 I do the same thing but when I'm mad, can totallly relate on #7 and #20, and love #42. You are so pricelessly precious Molly!

campers said...

I love that I knew almost everyone of these things! And has it only been four wrecks....are you counting the one we were in in keller? I laughed outloud while reading this!!!!especially at the C_O-U-G-A-R-S ONE....That cracks me up!

Bex said...

6 years of having braces?! moldrid, please tell me a headgear accompanied this!!! ;)

Jessica and Matt said...

I just want you to know that all those years of orthodontics totally paid off. You have the prettiest smile! Seriously!!! I LOVE your teeth! (Maybe that's my unhealthy obsession.)

Kate said...

Great list Molly! I'm a little obsessed with NY too. If you ever move there, can we come stay with you? OK thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Molly, I'm scared to see a chiropracter... what do they do to the back???

I went to the orthopedic surgeon today, and he prescribed physical therapy 3x a week for 3 weeks. He basically just said that I have a weak back. I haven't made my first appt yet, though.

Lauren Williams said...

sour patch kids AND hot tamales! usually it's one or the other much like whoppers and milk duds. you truly are a rare one!

Kentsten said...

Thanks for the compliment on my last post. I am having fun!! We have more in common than I thought, I too wore several orthodontic appliances and I too have to pluck an occasional chin hair. What a great post, it was truly fun to read!

Nat Pat said...

loved reading this post...especially that there were only 44 on your list of 50 things! i too love hot tamales and sour patch kids and could live on chips and salsa. thanks for sharing!

chavon taylor said...

molls, this list points out two things. one, you are crazy. two, i am too b.c i share several of these with you!