Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I need a new job...

I need a new job. My middle school days are over...I hope.
I really am not enjoying a bit of it right now. I'm such a bad teacher when I don't want to be here.
I feel like the end of the year becomes very redundant. I have to come in and discipline the same kids about the same thing...here the same mumbo jumbo, try to talk to the same psycho parents...etc.
I either need to move up to the high school level or quit this shebang all together.
Then, I wonder why in the world I spent so many days "learning" how to be a teacher. Yea right..not a bit of my schooling was about how to be a teacher. Not a single bit. Everything I learned on my own or by watching other people.
I have always wanted to be teaching a high school choir, but it also scares the ever living fire out of me. Why? Because I know it will take so much more of me and so much more of my time. Selfish yes. But, am I using my gifts if I just quit and go work at Blockbuster or something?
I'm really trying to evalute what I am supposed to be doing. I'm trying to figure out what my passions are and how the Lord wants me to use them.I'm TRYING not to be lazy about these last 2 months...but it will be so hard.

Tomorrow and Thursday I will be heading up the high school UIL competition in my region. Our Region secretary asked me to run the site because she will be running the band site. I got paid for working with her last year, so maybe I will again! That would be awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
SO, not having to be with my kids the next 2 days will be awesome!!!
I'll get to see all the high school directors in action.....it will be nuts.

So, that's just what I'm thinking today.


leslie said...

Girl. I will be praying for you! You are so talented - I know God has great things in store for you. Don't you wish He would just make it clear right away?
I will pray for guidance and patience! You can make it through the home stretch! Those middle schoolers are lucky to have you in their life every day.

campers said...

you are such an awesome teacher! Don't get too down on yourself....I feel like I am diciplining the same kids over and over in 2nd grade too! Music is one of your many gifts and I will pray for you to findhappiness while using your gifts to glorify Him. Don't worry not much time left until summer! Love you!!!

the thorntons said...

It's hard when what we love to do most starts driving us crazy...(see my post from March 7th.) I feel your frustration too. You are so talented! God will use you where he needs you. Hang in there!

ThePoeFam said...

COME TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WITH ME!!!! Ha! Seriously, I can understand wondering 'why' sometimes...hang in there...have a relaxing summer...maybe then your love for teaching will have a new spark. I'll be praying for you too! LOVE YOU!

Minda Ciardi said...

Hey Molly! I found your blog through Kate's blog. Anyways, it's funny that you were saying that all your college schooling wasn't about learning how to teach. Ashley (Teague) and I have been talking a lot about the lack there of in our education and have been trying to feed that back to the department, etc etc. It almost seems like most of our education was pointless to our current jobs. Know what I mean? Anyways, talk to you later!
