I'm going to need to take a deep breath before I begin writing this post. We had a whirlwind of a weekend let me tell you! Weddings, weddings, and MORE WEDDINGS! It's weird, March and April must be the months to get married! But I love it! I love seeing people and I love going places! It's great entertainment for Peter and I! :) I'm not sure he likes them as much as I do!!! That's a lie, he does like weddings.
Moving on. Our weekend started on Friday night with a nice quiet dinner consisting of our favorite meal, taco salad, and a movie. We made a pallet on the floor. Peter said no at first, but then he was a good husband and made the pallet for us. I fell asleep during the movie, but what else is new.
Saturday morning we woke up early for Step Study. After that Peter got his hair cut and I went to Hallmark to buy cards for all of the showers and weddings we have in the next couple of weeks. After that we enjoyed a nice lunch at Chick-fi-la (is that how you spell that?). While we were eating, a church choir washed our car for a fundraiser. We only had 2 dollars cash. Peter felt like he needed to explain that he never carries cash. :) After that we headed over to our friends Lee and Andrea's to help them move to their first home. Lee has Chrone's disease and Andrea is pregnant, so neither one of them needed to be doing any moving. Our small group banned together and moved them. Later that evening Andrea, Lee, Thomas, Natasha, John, Justin, Peter and I headed out to Dennison for our friend's Michael and Sonia's wedding. Michael was Peter's roommate for almost a year before we got married and he is also our Celebrate Recovery ministry leader. He has such a cool testimony!! Peter admires him alot. See pictures below. The wedding started at 7:30 and it took over an hour to get there, so unfortunately, we didn't get home until amost 11. That wouldn't have been a big deal, but our flight left Sunday morning at 6am!! We woke up at 4:30am yesterday morning, threw on some clothes and headed to Love Field. We flew to Kansas City first and then caught another flight to Indianapolis. We were already tired by the time we got there around noon. We rented a car and headed to the hotel to shower and change into our wedding attire. We then headed to Dylan and Melody's wedding. Dylan is one of Peter's football friends in college. They were in a bible study together, and have just stayed close since then. He is an offensive lineman for the Indianapolis Colts...I'm sure you are all familiar. It was hilarious being there with most of the lineman. Dylan wasn't near as big as the others, but you can see in these pics that he is a large man, but such a teddy bear!! This wedding was done up right!!! Might I mentioned they got engaged in JANUARY. Yea...let's just say that there were 2 wedding coordinators involved. The wedding was beautiful! The music was amazing!!! Ben Utech, who also plays for the Colts, and his wife did some of the music, but were also in the wedding! There were 10 on each side. So, fairly large wedding party. After the wedding, we headed over to a place called Woodstock Country Club. I wasn't impressed with Indiana until we drove to the reception. The whole way there, we drove by the most amazing historic looking houses!! We decided we could be a little late and took a long detour through the neighborhoods of Indianapolis!!! We almost went to an open house, but decided not to at the last second. We arrived at the reception for a time of drinks and (orderves? does anyone know how to spell that??) Anyways, after the wedding party arrived...2 hours later, we stay down for a full course meal. They of course had table numbers and names where we were supposed to sit. We sat by people we knew thankfully, but 2 we didn't. I sat by the wide reciever coaches' wife and a sweet lady named Lucy Ann who is basically the head coaches front hand woman! She considers herself the player's mom. She knows everything about them down to their social security numbers. It was fun hearing all the crazy stories.
After dinner was the dance. Let me just tell you that we were at that wedding from 3pm-11pm, and we left EARLY! The dance was in full force. Another funny story from the wedding....I was standing near the bar area waiting on my sprite, (I was having stomach issues), and this guy and his wife were standing next to me. We just started chit chatting and I knew he looked familiar. I finally figured out it was Jeremy Camp, an amazing Christian artist. I just laughed. Seemed about right I guess.
OH yea, I was on the radio on Friday. Some man stopped me at the gas station with a microphone and started asking me all these questions about the Mav's. I of course acted like I knew all the statistics and such. :) Little did I know that I would be on the radio a few hours later. The girl I was with, Cassy for those that know her, called me about an hour after we left each other and asked me if she had just heard me on the radio. I told her nothing about it. I had my 2 minutes of fame. It was fantastic.
Now to today. Peter and I again got up at 430am this morning for our flights back to Dallas. We had to get back in time for an 11:30am meeting at his work and my allergy tests. Pictures of the torture below. It wasn't so bad. Although, I'm still pretty itchy. I was most allergic to grass and trees. Those would be the large welps on my back..and cats too. :) Sad, but true.
I'm tired and hungry. So, I hope you enjoy the pics!!!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Case of the Tuesday's
I just left the high school in the middle of a huge storm! I decided I trusted the Lord to get me home a few blocks away. Thank you Jesus! I had to issue a test today to this really smart Asian kid. It was 3 questions long and he was given 5 hours to take the test. The questions reminded me Matt Damon in....oh what's the movie, I can't remember. Anyways, he only attempted one question in 3 hours. He didn't even attempt the other two. So, tomorrow we will go back and do the same thing to answer the last 3 questions. It's cool to watch him think and fight through! Even smart kids have problems. Might I mention that he is 12 years old. Yes, he is. He is a 12 year old freshman genius! There are a few like that at the high school. I feel a bit dumb.
Moving on, the rest of last week was busy. I'm really enjoying Venture on Wednesday nights at the church. It's just so refreshing to be with a body of believers corporately pleading the Lord's will for our church. Peter and I had an extremely busy weekend. Honestly, I didn't like how fast it came and went. But we had some fun times when we could! Friday night my sweet friend Dawntoya's wedding. I call her Dawnika thanks to our friend Chaille who accidentally called her that a few years ago. It stuck. Her wedding was beautiful! She might be one of the most beautiful women I know inside and out!! She is moving to Memphis to do ministry with her husband Adam! And, boy what a catch he is! Whew!!! The ceremony was filled with the Gospel! It was so cool to hear. Preach on Matt! Anyways here are a few pictures from the wedding. My camera was being a dork. Oh wait, I forgot to turn on the flash but I like to blame it on my camera. OH and, I let her borrow my veil! She of course was so stinking beautiful in it! She might have been prettier than me! :) hahaha...she's black! All black women are beautiful!
It was also my weekend to sing. I was plum exhausted when Sunday night came along! Peter and I's on Saturday or Sunday were not conducive to spending time together. I saw him on Saturday for a few hours and Saturday evening we got to go to a Crawfish Boil! Boy was that interesting! I'm not going to lie, I was afraid. I made Peter peel one for me. I chose to eat the veggies and the awesome desserts! Sunday Peter went to a soccer game while I had some free time. The boy loves him some soccer let me tell you!
Anyways, it's been a pretty tiring week so far and it's only Tuesday. I'm already ready for the weekend. But, to my dismay, no rest for the weary! We have 2 weddings this weekend. One in Sherman and one in Indianapolis, Indiana. Don't you worry, we are going to both!!! We leave on Sunday morning at 6:30am and return on Monday morning at 9:30am. Quick trip, but I'm sure it will be worth it!
I'm just sleepy and really boring today. I apologize.
Moving on, the rest of last week was busy. I'm really enjoying Venture on Wednesday nights at the church. It's just so refreshing to be with a body of believers corporately pleading the Lord's will for our church. Peter and I had an extremely busy weekend. Honestly, I didn't like how fast it came and went. But we had some fun times when we could! Friday night my sweet friend Dawntoya's wedding. I call her Dawnika thanks to our friend Chaille who accidentally called her that a few years ago. It stuck. Her wedding was beautiful! She might be one of the most beautiful women I know inside and out!! She is moving to Memphis to do ministry with her husband Adam! And, boy what a catch he is! Whew!!! The ceremony was filled with the Gospel! It was so cool to hear. Preach on Matt! Anyways here are a few pictures from the wedding. My camera was being a dork. Oh wait, I forgot to turn on the flash but I like to blame it on my camera. OH and, I let her borrow my veil! She of course was so stinking beautiful in it! She might have been prettier than me! :) hahaha...she's black! All black women are beautiful!
It was also my weekend to sing. I was plum exhausted when Sunday night came along! Peter and I's on Saturday or Sunday were not conducive to spending time together. I saw him on Saturday for a few hours and Saturday evening we got to go to a Crawfish Boil! Boy was that interesting! I'm not going to lie, I was afraid. I made Peter peel one for me. I chose to eat the veggies and the awesome desserts! Sunday Peter went to a soccer game while I had some free time. The boy loves him some soccer let me tell you!
Anyways, it's been a pretty tiring week so far and it's only Tuesday. I'm already ready for the weekend. But, to my dismay, no rest for the weary! We have 2 weddings this weekend. One in Sherman and one in Indianapolis, Indiana. Don't you worry, we are going to both!!! We leave on Sunday morning at 6:30am and return on Monday morning at 9:30am. Quick trip, but I'm sure it will be worth it!
I'm just sleepy and really boring today. I apologize.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
The Herp
It comes out of nowhere in all it's glory and takes residence on my lips. I starting feeling the "itch" yesterday afternoon. By evening it had fully developed. I tried attacking with the normal medicine.....but it always gets bigger before it gets smaller. I normally have these horse pills on tap used to cure the "other kind" of herpes....If you know what I mean. I took these the week of my wedding when I got "The Herp!" I fought and fought and it was gone by the wedding day. I've grown up with these. Usually I get them if I have had fever, been sunburned or stressed. I don't believe I have had any of the 3 in the last week. But, I guess I'll never know.
Everyone who knows me, knows about the herp. I think I need a Fever Blister Support Group.
I'm washing my hands of "The Herp!!" GET YE OUT SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The News/The Mavericks!
I really have alot to say today, but I'm going to limit my words. First of all, I can no longer watch the news. It got me in trouble last week when Peter was out of town. I of course had to be alone when there is a serial rapist on the loose attacking single women in apartments. Luckily, I do not live in a first floor apartment. Still, I slept with a bat next to my bed on Monday night. I slept about total a few hours. I kept waking up scaring myself half to death with the slightest noise. Needless to say, I repented of my fear and called my sister to come stay with me. :) Today, I got home from subbing to find out about the shootings at Virgina Tech!? WHAT IN THE WORLD!? Jesus, come soon I say!!!! I can't handle this. So, I'm not watching the news ever again. My mind cannot handle it.
On to happier things. Peter returned from Florida on Friday. Funny story here. :)
I went to the baggage claim area to meet him. I'm minding my own business looking for a seat. I was 20 minutes early. What can I say, I missed my husband! Anyways, as I was walking I spot the prettiest puppy! There was no other choice in my mind except to sit right next to nice, young black man and pet his puppy. I start asking questions about the sweet thing and find out it's a pit bull puppy. It of course had on a pink, rhinestone (or was it diamonds) collar. As I am caring on a conversation with this nice young man about his dog, this woman runs up to him with her camera and a piece of paper and asks for autograph and a picture. I'm thinking oh my gosh, this is somebody famous! I had no clue. So, she leaves, and shortly after another woman comes running up....I quickly figure out it was this young, VERY FAMOUS rapper/dancer.
I of course just kind of sat there in shock. I kept pretending I wasn't interested in a picture/autograph, but really I was. I said thank you for letting me pet his puppy and then he was quickly followed by his entourage outside to his Escalade Limo. hahahaha....
So, I see Peter and quickly tell him my great story. I forgot how much I missed him and forgot to hug him! :) So, I hugged him for a while after this.
We headed home and were both starving. We went to Seven Salsas for some great mexican food! We had no idea that we were eating during a tornado. Actually, we did, but the margarita had kicked in. I guess we felt safer in the restaurant then our 2nd floor apartment. After that we made a trip to Pet Land again. :) There were about 3 puppies in each cage! I was in PUPPY HEAVEN! After getting my puppy fix we headed next door to DSW! I got some new Puma shoes! I was so excited! They were 25 dollars marked down from 70! WOOHOO! :)
Sunday, we scored tickets to the Mavericks game. Peter's boss gave them to us. We really went in with no expectations to find out that......
We had 3rd row tickets right underneath the basket and platinum parking! Needless to say, we hob-nobbed with the ritches. :)
Us smiling our little hearts out!
The ever so wealthy Mark Cuban...looks like he got a new doo! :) It was funny listening to him yell.
Here's how close we actually were!!!!!!!
There was a great half-time show. Wonder-dogs! Let me tell you, they were amazing!!!! We lucked out!
Thank you Peter's boss for a fun Sunday afternoon!!!
On to happier things. Peter returned from Florida on Friday. Funny story here. :)
I went to the baggage claim area to meet him. I'm minding my own business looking for a seat. I was 20 minutes early. What can I say, I missed my husband! Anyways, as I was walking I spot the prettiest puppy! There was no other choice in my mind except to sit right next to nice, young black man and pet his puppy. I start asking questions about the sweet thing and find out it's a pit bull puppy. It of course had on a pink, rhinestone (or was it diamonds) collar. As I am caring on a conversation with this nice young man about his dog, this woman runs up to him with her camera and a piece of paper and asks for autograph and a picture. I'm thinking oh my gosh, this is somebody famous! I had no clue. So, she leaves, and shortly after another woman comes running up....I quickly figure out it was this young, VERY FAMOUS rapper/dancer.
I of course just kind of sat there in shock. I kept pretending I wasn't interested in a picture/autograph, but really I was. I said thank you for letting me pet his puppy and then he was quickly followed by his entourage outside to his Escalade Limo. hahahaha....
So, I see Peter and quickly tell him my great story. I forgot how much I missed him and forgot to hug him! :) So, I hugged him for a while after this.
We headed home and were both starving. We went to Seven Salsas for some great mexican food! We had no idea that we were eating during a tornado. Actually, we did, but the margarita had kicked in. I guess we felt safer in the restaurant then our 2nd floor apartment. After that we made a trip to Pet Land again. :) There were about 3 puppies in each cage! I was in PUPPY HEAVEN! After getting my puppy fix we headed next door to DSW! I got some new Puma shoes! I was so excited! They were 25 dollars marked down from 70! WOOHOO! :)
Sunday, we scored tickets to the Mavericks game. Peter's boss gave them to us. We really went in with no expectations to find out that......
We had 3rd row tickets right underneath the basket and platinum parking! Needless to say, we hob-nobbed with the ritches. :)
Us smiling our little hearts out!
The ever so wealthy Mark Cuban...looks like he got a new doo! :) It was funny listening to him yell.
Here's how close we actually were!!!!!!!
There was a great half-time show. Wonder-dogs! Let me tell you, they were amazing!!!! We lucked out!
Thank you Peter's boss for a fun Sunday afternoon!!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
She's engaged!!
Natalie that is....
Well, I think I might have given away on the last post some of the details of this past weekend. I was sworn to secrecy about what was going to happen. I thought I knew everything, but I was wrong! :) Our trip to Austin was part of Josh's plan to propose to Natalie. Basically the only ones that did not know were Rachel and Natasha. It was hard not to give it away, but I did good. As good as I could do anyways. We left Friday around 12 to travel to Austin.....
Here were the travelers on the way:
then we added
Natalie and
We met Beau, Kim, Josh, Natalie, Miranda and Luke in Austin for dinner at the Oasis. That place is totally overrated by the way! The food was horrible. Peter's hamburger, when he got it, was alive on the table. But, the view was great. It was of course to cold to eat outside. Interesting weather we had this weekend. But before we went to dinner, we met Natalie and Josh at the Austin airport.
He had proposed to her on the plane after sending her on a scavenger hunt for new clues through Dallas. The last clue said to go to Love Field, gate something or other. She had no ID or anything, but they let her on! They even had an assigned seat for her on the Southwest Flight. Little did she know that Josh was at the back of the plane. We watched the whole thing on video in the RV. SO precious!
And the last pictures are of my awesome keyboard! Peter is so sweet to me. He told me a long time ago that he wanted me to have one for selfish reasons. He wanted to be serenaded daily through hymns. :) Well, the first night we got it, he cried as we sang hymns together. Who does that? SO STINKING SWEET! My husband is one amazing fella. I am missing him terribly. I cried when I dropped him off at the airport this morning! Pathetic I realize....throw me a bone, we've only been married for 4 months!
After we went to Austin we headed to Abilene to spend Easter with both families. We had a great time. I have no pics to document! Shoot. Peter and I didn't make it to church. We forgot to set the alarm and woke up at 10. We were supposed to go with his family. It was way to cold outside to be putting church clothes on! :) Excuses I guess. :)
Well, enjoy the pics!
Isn't she a beaut! :) I love playing her.
Well, I think I might have given away on the last post some of the details of this past weekend. I was sworn to secrecy about what was going to happen. I thought I knew everything, but I was wrong! :) Our trip to Austin was part of Josh's plan to propose to Natalie. Basically the only ones that did not know were Rachel and Natasha. It was hard not to give it away, but I did good. As good as I could do anyways. We left Friday around 12 to travel to Austin.....
Here were the travelers on the way:
then we added
Natalie and
We met Beau, Kim, Josh, Natalie, Miranda and Luke in Austin for dinner at the Oasis. That place is totally overrated by the way! The food was horrible. Peter's hamburger, when he got it, was alive on the table. But, the view was great. It was of course to cold to eat outside. Interesting weather we had this weekend. But before we went to dinner, we met Natalie and Josh at the Austin airport.
He had proposed to her on the plane after sending her on a scavenger hunt for new clues through Dallas. The last clue said to go to Love Field, gate something or other. She had no ID or anything, but they let her on! They even had an assigned seat for her on the Southwest Flight. Little did she know that Josh was at the back of the plane. We watched the whole thing on video in the RV. SO precious!
And the last pictures are of my awesome keyboard! Peter is so sweet to me. He told me a long time ago that he wanted me to have one for selfish reasons. He wanted to be serenaded daily through hymns. :) Well, the first night we got it, he cried as we sang hymns together. Who does that? SO STINKING SWEET! My husband is one amazing fella. I am missing him terribly. I cried when I dropped him off at the airport this morning! Pathetic I realize....throw me a bone, we've only been married for 4 months!
After we went to Austin we headed to Abilene to spend Easter with both families. We had a great time. I have no pics to document! Shoot. Peter and I didn't make it to church. We forgot to set the alarm and woke up at 10. We were supposed to go with his family. It was way to cold outside to be putting church clothes on! :) Excuses I guess. :)
Well, enjoy the pics!
Isn't she a beaut! :) I love playing her.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Great weekend!!
Peter and I had a fantastic weekend. I always cherish them more than the week days. We were inseperable.
Peter always pretends he has something planned, when really it was my idea in the first place. We're working on that aren't we Peter?!! He jokes with me about how I don't trust him in that area. I said, you're right! haha. It's always spur of the moment. But, it's okay because when he's at work from 7-7 every day, his mind is at work...unfortunately.
We've been trying to eat at home during the week to save money. But, little did we know, it's more expensive to buy groceries than it is to eat out!!!! WHAT>?! We were sick to our stomachs over the amount of food we had purchased. The good thing, we ate at home almost 3 weeks in a row! Needless to say, I cooked spagetti on Friday night. Yum. We then headed off to the movies in the pouring down rain to see "Reign Over Me." It's very unlike Peter and I to go see a movie on Friday night. Luckily we both managed to stay awake. The movie was awesome! Hearing the rain hit the roof was also incredible. I think the movies are a safe place in a tornado watch? Right? haha.
Saturday morning we headed up to church for our usual 8-10 step study. We were STARVING when it was let out, so we went on a hunt for breakfast burritos. We drove towards Denton thinking we remembered it being more up north, but much to our dismay, it was right by our apartment. Hahaha. The burritos were to die for!!!! I was supposed to wait until we got home to eat, but I was again STARVING! haha. So, I watched Peter eat his on the balcony. The morning was beautiful. We got the grand idea to go play football/frisbee outside. Little did I know that we would be playing a round of frisbee golf on Sunday. Anyways, after our throwing session I was tired. So, we both fell asleep for 3.5 hours! Whoa..I know. We got up in time to get ready and head over to Pappasito's in Dallas. Mallory and Jason were having a surprise party for Mallory's mom. We were by far the youngest there but it was great! Free food! I of course had heartburn the whole night after one margarita and too much chips and salsa! Ughg. Peter woke up to me practically sitting up sleeping in the bed. He laughed, but knew my misery! I'm getting old. Geez.
So, then yesterday, we headed to church and then back home for spagetti left overs. Peter went to work for about 3 hours after that and I cleaned, cleaned cleaned! I was very proud of myself I must say. I love watching Peter's face when he walks in to a vacuumed apartment. He loves the site. :) We quickly got ready and headed to Academy. I got some new shorts....we were only supposed to be buying frisbees for our game. :) Thank you Peter for my addidas shorts. We found a really cool Frisbee Golf course in Coppell thanks to Brad and Thomas. I played against Peter, Brad, Natasha and Thomas. I wasn't last place! I think we stopped taking score after both Peter and Thomas lost their frisbees in the water. Don't you worry, my husband went after his...and mine after it accidentally fell in on the last hole.! I'm sore today!? Is that weird? Probably, but I feel as if I got a great workout with a little sun! We headed over to an after game meal at Dickey's barbeque. YUMMMMY!
Peter and I then rented The Pursuit of Happyness and The Painted Veil. I didn't make it through the first movie. We plan on watching the other tomorrow night as we are going to a dinner party tonight!! YUPPPEEE!
I didn't sub today! Hallelujah! I am going over to play with Baby Quinn. After being at the hospital all day for his birth, I never got to hold him. So, I'm bringing Brittney lunch in exchange for some Quinn time! hahaha. :)
Friday and Saturday Peter and I are going on a road trip. Unfortunately the only details I know are who's going and that we are riding in an RV! WHAT? The rest is a secret. We then will travel to Abilene on Saturday afternoon for some time with family! We're excited. Then Peter leaves for a week to Florida. Anyone want to spend the night? !:)))
Bye for now.
Peter always pretends he has something planned, when really it was my idea in the first place. We're working on that aren't we Peter?!! He jokes with me about how I don't trust him in that area. I said, you're right! haha. It's always spur of the moment. But, it's okay because when he's at work from 7-7 every day, his mind is at work...unfortunately.
We've been trying to eat at home during the week to save money. But, little did we know, it's more expensive to buy groceries than it is to eat out!!!! WHAT>?! We were sick to our stomachs over the amount of food we had purchased. The good thing, we ate at home almost 3 weeks in a row! Needless to say, I cooked spagetti on Friday night. Yum. We then headed off to the movies in the pouring down rain to see "Reign Over Me." It's very unlike Peter and I to go see a movie on Friday night. Luckily we both managed to stay awake. The movie was awesome! Hearing the rain hit the roof was also incredible. I think the movies are a safe place in a tornado watch? Right? haha.
Saturday morning we headed up to church for our usual 8-10 step study. We were STARVING when it was let out, so we went on a hunt for breakfast burritos. We drove towards Denton thinking we remembered it being more up north, but much to our dismay, it was right by our apartment. Hahaha. The burritos were to die for!!!! I was supposed to wait until we got home to eat, but I was again STARVING! haha. So, I watched Peter eat his on the balcony. The morning was beautiful. We got the grand idea to go play football/frisbee outside. Little did I know that we would be playing a round of frisbee golf on Sunday. Anyways, after our throwing session I was tired. So, we both fell asleep for 3.5 hours! Whoa..I know. We got up in time to get ready and head over to Pappasito's in Dallas. Mallory and Jason were having a surprise party for Mallory's mom. We were by far the youngest there but it was great! Free food! I of course had heartburn the whole night after one margarita and too much chips and salsa! Ughg. Peter woke up to me practically sitting up sleeping in the bed. He laughed, but knew my misery! I'm getting old. Geez.
So, then yesterday, we headed to church and then back home for spagetti left overs. Peter went to work for about 3 hours after that and I cleaned, cleaned cleaned! I was very proud of myself I must say. I love watching Peter's face when he walks in to a vacuumed apartment. He loves the site. :) We quickly got ready and headed to Academy. I got some new shorts....we were only supposed to be buying frisbees for our game. :) Thank you Peter for my addidas shorts. We found a really cool Frisbee Golf course in Coppell thanks to Brad and Thomas. I played against Peter, Brad, Natasha and Thomas. I wasn't last place! I think we stopped taking score after both Peter and Thomas lost their frisbees in the water. Don't you worry, my husband went after his...and mine after it accidentally fell in on the last hole.! I'm sore today!? Is that weird? Probably, but I feel as if I got a great workout with a little sun! We headed over to an after game meal at Dickey's barbeque. YUMMMMY!
Peter and I then rented The Pursuit of Happyness and The Painted Veil. I didn't make it through the first movie. We plan on watching the other tomorrow night as we are going to a dinner party tonight!! YUPPPEEE!
I didn't sub today! Hallelujah! I am going over to play with Baby Quinn. After being at the hospital all day for his birth, I never got to hold him. So, I'm bringing Brittney lunch in exchange for some Quinn time! hahaha. :)
Friday and Saturday Peter and I are going on a road trip. Unfortunately the only details I know are who's going and that we are riding in an RV! WHAT? The rest is a secret. We then will travel to Abilene on Saturday afternoon for some time with family! We're excited. Then Peter leaves for a week to Florida. Anyone want to spend the night? !:)))
Bye for now.
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