Thursday, February 07, 2008

House Progress

Just click on the picture to see some updated pics!

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dining room chandelier!


Ashley said...

The green looks great! :)

Mindy Rives said...

Wooow lady! I'm super impressed! When can I come see it???

Rachel DeBell said...

LOVE LOVE the chandelier! so what is the color you didn't love?

kerristarr said...

OK, that's all I need to see to know that your house is going to be, or already is, ADORABLE! I love it. When's the house-warming?

Kristyn said...

Everything looks GREAT! My fav is the little tile in the Master Bath!

carla's gateway said...

WOW.. you are a color lady! I like that...says your confident. of course I love the green, but the golden/yellow color is great too. You know they say that the color of the room will determine the mood of the persons who enter. You can have people feeling whatever you want. Mostly... happy! love the house Molly, great job you and Peter are doing.

Kelli said...

That chandelier is gorgeous and looks fabulous with the green walls! :)

andydawn said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Sooooo pretty!! Love the color choices!

Elizabeth said...

looking good!!

Richardsons of HV said...

I love those colors!!! It looks like my crazy colored house! Is the yellow Bosc Pear?
What color is that green??? I need it!

Macy said...

you know I love the chandelier!

The Murray Crew said...

Your home is going to be AMAZING! Thanks for sharing the progress. I'm thinking there's room for quads in that house! Wanna join our elite club? Hahaaa!
Mama to Quads

The Houston's said...

I love the house! Love the colors!!

Dawntoya and Adam said...

The chandelier is sooo fun! This is going to be the cutest house!