Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Yup, I've been in sort of a funk as of late.
I'm sure it's been brought on soley by my actions. I realize that I have a choice whether to act like a Debby Downer, or be a Chipper Charlotte.

Nothing much has been going on. I am still working. Most days are spent trying to avoid the computer at work, seeing as we have about 18 patients a week. When you calculate that we work 35 hours a week and each patient is here about 15 to 20 minutes, well, you do the math. I finished a book at work last week, and the new one I began reading Monday at the gym. I don't know about you, but I have trouble doing reading while doing the Elliptical machine. Although, the time passes by much quicker, I just can't do it.
So, basically, I could be sitting here at work, reading the word, journaling and praying. But, due to the fact that a computer is sitting inches from me, I have discipline issues. There is plenty of time to do so, yet, I choose to play Tetris or read people's blogs.
So, I am making a commitment here, right now, between all my blogger friends and the Lord to not even click on the internet for the rest of the day today, Thursday or Friday.
My joy has been robbed due to my own lack of disipline and obedience. I choose mindless reading over relishing in the Word or talking with God.
I choose the Internet over Jesus. How said is that? Lord, forgive me for not loving you enough and for ignoring you.
So, until then, you may not see or here from me through the blogging world until next week.


Lauren Williams said...

MOLLY! i love you! prepare for me to start coming at you with a calendar so we can plan a date. maybe you me and natasha can have a girls dinner?! i am out of town next week but after that we are hanging out!

Laura said...

Good girl! I am proud of you for making that commitment! I am bad then. Miss you!

B-DUB said...

molly, you have always been chipper! if you would really like to read my blog (which is temporary probably while i am in the b&b), go for it!

Sharee Forman said...

Hopefully you won't read this until Saturday, but I'm proud of you and humbled by your honesty and heart. I feel this not only with blogging but all kinds of stuff, when we know what will give us peace is time with Him!! Thanks for the encouragement!