I got the job!!!!! YEAH!!! Thank you Jesus!!
Well, I had my interview on Tuesday morning. It went very well. I don't really remember much about it, because the doctor that owns all 4 offices talks alot! It was all infromational but a little overwhelming. :)
(side note - watching the news about "the Hot Coffee Robber." WHAT? Seriously, GET A JOB AND STOP STEALING MONEY!)
On to the rest of the story. So, I left the Tuesday interview feeling pretty good. He told me I was basically overqualified for 1 of the 2 positions. He told me I wouldn't get paid enough for my qualifications. I thought that was pretty great of him to say. So, they called me on Tuesday night and asked me to go to the "office I would be working" and meet the doctor. I'm going to go ahead and keep that part silent via blog.
(side note again - So I was just watching the doves's switch places and one of the eggs STUCK to the bottom of the mom when she flew away! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!) I immediately went outside and looked over the balcony, but I think I'm going to have to go look again! It was terrible! Donald Dove was so confused and watched the whole thing happen! Isn't that just terrible!!! My heart hurts!)
Anyways, so I went and met the doctor. We clicked immediately. The drive was only 25 minutes, which isn't that good, but okay. I'm used to driving more. So, last night, Thursday, I got a call from the office offering me the JOB!!! YEAAAAHHH!! I have to go to the staff meeting on Monday, but I don't offically start until the 11th. Yes.....one more week of summer. hahaha. So, praise the Lord!
My life is about to change! I haven't had a "real" job since November, and even then, that wasn't a "real" job. So, business professional dress here I come! YUK! I guess that means I'll probably have to go shopping. Peter???? My birthday is this month!!!! hahaa....
Well, my heart is still hurting from that dove egg. What is wrong with me!? A dove egg???? i mean it's been on my balcony for over 2 weeks. Wouldn't you be attached too!
Moving on....I've been running. Aren't you proud!! Last week I managed to get 5 runs in. I couldn't believe it! I finished the week off on Saturday morning running with Peter at our favorite park. I told him that I needed to set the pace. He's a FAST runner. So, he let me set the pace and we managed to run for almost 45 minutes. I was proud! I've never been able to run longer than 10 minutes with him. I'm always feeling as if I am in a race. My side starts cramping and it's just miserable. He was such a good sport! He even said he got a good workout! Although I'm sure he would have rather run faster.
I get to have a playdate with Quinn and Brittney today! I am so excited! Speaking of babies, our friend Mallory was induced this morning! Sweet Malakai will be here any time now! We basically have babies due every month until the end of the year. Mallory and Julie this month, Macy next month, Ashlee, Peter's sis, in August, Cassy next in October. Whew! BABIES EVERYWHERE!
I wish I had some pics, but I don't. I'll take some today I promise.
Memorial Day....was great! I had to sing all weekend so we didn't see each other much. Although we managed to have dinner with my mom, sis and Daniel on Saturday night at Babe's. Funny story from there. We sit down at our table and I recognize this waitress at the table next to us. I figure out it's the girl that was most disrespectful to me during my substitute career over these past 5 months. She asked me if she could go to the bathroom, and being the mean person I am, I said no. Why you say? Because the principals left this large note by the sign in sheet saying not to let anyone go unless it was an emergency. Apparently there had been a drug problem or something. So, I try to kindly explain to this girl that I'm not just bein a jerk. She then proceeds to ask me if she can just leave. I just stared and said,"well, I'm not going to stop you, but that's pretty disrespectful if you ask me." She then turns to the class and yells," it's okay if you guys need to go to the bathroom. You can just leave." My blood started boiling, but I was not going to fight with her. It was not worth it! Anyways, she ended up being our waitress. I kept thinking, Kill her with Kindness! It was hard, but she even got a good tip!
Then Sunday for lunch, we went to Salt Grass with my whole family. It was my sister's goodbye lunch before she left for Africa. She is there and having the time of her life! This week was spent vacationing. She's ridden an elephant, gone on a cruise and a safari and hung out with zebra's in her front yard. Why didn't I go??? ughg.
Well, I'm leaving to go rescue the dove egg.
Wish me luck!