Monday, September 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Peter!


1. He has such a heart for people and serving others.
2. He wakes up every morning and spends time in the word praying.(He probably prayed for you.)
3. He LOVES to build things, or really to work with his hands and get dirty! That's come in really handy and will be VERY handy in the next months to come. (That's a story for later.)
4. He serves whole-heartedly in The Village Recovery ministry and is very passionate about mentoring other men.
5. He cooks dinner for me now since I work until 7. He's about ready for me to just go ahead and quit. YEA RIGHT!
6. He loves dogs as much as I do. (Well, maybe not AS MUCH as I do.)
7. He is VERY clean. He has spurred me on to be a clean person. He taught me how to fold shirts and towels, and EVEN how to make the bed every morning!
8. He constantly makes me laugh.
9. He holds my hand in public. (I say this because he is not a touchy/feely person. But some how, since marrying me, things have changed.)
10. He is H.O.T.
11. He does the dishes after I cook. :)
12. He is Dave Ramsey Junior. This is important because he effectively manages our money and I don't have to worry about anything ever.
13. He looks really great in Spandex. (See a few previous posts ago.)
14. He's a darn good griller!!!
15. He has "evened" me out since marrying me.
16. He loves the idea of a big family. (1 at a time here people!) :)
17. He folds the laundry when I leave it in the dryer on accident. ;)
18. He loves community and friends as much as I do making it hard for us to have alone time. :)
19. He's precious to me in so many ways.
20. He's a fabulous dresser. (Even if he wants to wear his nike, black and red and gray, running shoes with every outfit.
21. He meets me for lunch every Tuesday. :)
22. He enjoys my cooking. (I actually cooked for him twice this weekend!!)
23. He gives me a shopping budget each month. :) MAN I'm selfish! This is supposed to be about Peter! :)
24. He has some AMAZING curly locks. :)
25. He has a beautiful singing voice and embraces music as much as me!
26. He is physically fit and very fast! (this makes it hard for me to EVER run with him.) But, he does. He jogs right along side of his heavy-breathing-SLOW-running Wife. :) He used to be called "White Lightning."
27. He is an UNBELIEVABLE husband. I couldn't ask for a more encouraging man of God!
28. He is my husband and I love him with all of my heart.

The ENd.

Happy Birthday my sweet.


andydawn said...

YOU are a very loving and caring wife!! TOO sweet :) Can Peter come build our house? Happy Birthday Peter!

the thorntons said...

What a lucky husband to have YOU for a wife! Happy Birthday Peter!!! I loved this sweet. Oh, and by the way, I watched Peter on the highlight video Friday night, and you can tell him that all of the Marcus guys still remembered how fast he was! I thought you'd be proud. :)

Kentsten said...

Everyone has upgraded their page. I tried, I failed. You and Peter are very cute, I don't know him at all...but I like him!! Good to see you yesterday for .5 seconds!

Bex said...

you all are so cute!!! purrrrfect for each other, dahling!

campers said...

ahhhhh sweet pea! what a sweet post! You two are perfect for each other! I am going to have to call you and catch up on this house thing!

Laura said...

molly you are precious too and so sweet! what a cute couple! and I like the one about him being fast, dang that boy can run! I love and miss you!

Rachel DeBell said...

am I the only one wondering what peter is going to do with his hands in the next few months?

Nominate someone or something in need said...

that was sooo sweet! i enjoyed reading that so much!!! tarrah says peter is great at CR...what a gift. am going to start at the denton campus...nervous!