Thursday, May 27, 2010

Confessions of a Stay-at-home Momma

Thanks to Erin I decided to confess.

1. Starting off strong...sometimes I don't brush my teeth until right before Peter comes home. It really frustrates him even more that I don't brush my teeth before bed. To my defense, ever since I got pregnant, brushing my teeth makes me GAG. Every time. It's weird. However, this should not be an excuse. In other news, we just dropped our $100 a month dental insurance.

2. I hate doing laundry. For example, I do really well separating and getting it into the washing machine, and even dryer! BUT, then it gets taken out, thrown onto the guest room bed, and never folded. UGHGH! I hate folding laundry. I used to think when I was a kid, that folding towels was the WORST thing in the world. Nowadays, I'd much rather ONLY fold towels.

3. Like Erin, I HATE doing dishes. If the dishes are clean in the dish washer, I'll let the dishes pile up until I get sick to my stomach. Then I dread doing them. I can keep up with them if the dishwasher is empty. I should make a vow to do them every single night before going to bed. Then, I wouldn't dread doing them ALL DAY LONG!

4. I'm a terrible deep cleaner. I can keep things picked up all day long! Beds, made, etc. But, deep cleaning and I aren't very good friends. I just bought new cleaning products, so maybe the caulking in our shower that has turned black, will become white again. Lord help me. I even take a bath every single day, and will go 2 weeks without cleaning my bathtub. I do keep up with Titus' bathtub. I feel bad about putting his little dirty body, in a dirty tub.

5. I'm a terrible couponer. At the moment I have a huge Ziploc baggy in my car with mounds of coupons. I always forget to get them out or they expire before I have a chance to use them. UGHG.

6. Since having Titus, once I fall asleep (which usually takes forever), I usually sleep like a rock. One morning about 3 months ago, I had a dream I was sitting on the toilet peeing. Unfortunately, I was not, in reality, sitting on the toilet peeing. The night before we just put the sheets on the bed, because the mattress protector was still wet in the washer. Lets just say I woke up in a panic and ran to the bathroom. Except, it was already too late. I had peed the bed. Peter didn't believe me and told me to get back in bed. I turned on the light, pulled back the covers, and showed him. We laughed for a while, but then I eventually started crying. He just hugged me in the closet and told me how his mom used to keep a pee chart on the fridge, because he wet the bed till he was like 10. I told him that was my first age 29. We giggled, and he asked me if I needed a pee chart on the fridge too.

7. I love GLEE so much, that I follow Lea Michelle on Twitter. I also own the soundtrack. However, my CD player doesn't work in my car, so I drive Peter's every so often. He gets mad at me, because I usually leave the volume up extremely loud when he gets in his car at 6am. I'm sure he cusses me. :)

8. I've seen every episode of Beverly Hills 90210, twice since becoming pregnant. Also, I re-watched all of The O.C. Luckily, we will be getting rid of our cable by May 31st.

9. I haven't worked out in 2 years. This should come in handy when we join the gym on June 1st. I don't know what to do or where to start. All I know is I'll have to wear 8 sports bras.

10. I drink 2 cups of coffee a day, and am still breast feeding. I'm a bad mom. :)

The end.


Britney K said...

I am luaghing at your post! I'll just copy and paste your list into my blog minus the coffee! I'm the same way! Too funny. I just assume everyone else has a spotless house at all times and has it "together.". The truth is... They all lie. Ha.

Ashley said...

Oh, how I can relate! :) I can confess to so many of those...too many to even list!!!

Lori Blong said...

I am so forwarding this to Jared so that he knows I am not completely screwed up all by myself! Too funny!

erin f. said...

This makes me so happy that you did this! I love your list especially the peeing the bed thing, which made me kick myself for not telling my own pee story, which is crazy embarrasing but I might just tell it now! I love hearing about the things that let us all know that we are real people and that I'm not the only one who has some not so perfect things about me!

angela said...

We all have our hang-ups, friend. I drank diet dr pepper after diet dr pepper WHILE I was nursing a child in my arms. My kids aren't behind from it. So, it helps you though the day. Enjoy a third cup.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog :) I told Erin I needed to repost this too. I drink two, ok, ok, sometimes THREE cups of coffee a day and I am still breastfeeding as well. I hate doing dishes, and am going back to the gym (finally) as of June 1st!

Tigpan said...

This made me laugh, and then cry a little. Just so you know...I miss you. Forget that I only got to spend 1 hour with you a couple times a month in the green room....I miss those talks!!
thanks for being willing to share your life on a public brings me joy!

Sum said...

um, #6 killed me!!!! so funny about Peter's mom making a pee chart!!!

erin f. said...

I am thinking the confessions blog needs to be a regular thing! I am going to start doing it from time to time, I've always got something crazy going on!

ThePoeFam said...

Love that you wet the bed!!!! Crack me up! ...I need to do this too...maybe I should wait until I have two in the house...I'm sure my confessions are going to be even more embarassing at that point! LOVE YOU!

andydawn said...


Kimberly said...

I love this post!! Way to be real and honest! And reguardless of these confessions, which we all can easily hide our truths, from reading your blog, I can tell you are a wonderful mother {and wife}.

Your son is precious!

Kimberly said...

And you've inspired me to do one of my own! Hmmm...which secret/confession shall I start at?

TheWhiteHouse said...

ha ha, that post is great Molly!

andydawn said...

Would love for yall to come visit...just call we will be around except the weekend of the 4th. If you need a place to stay yall are more than welcome to stay too!

Anonymous said...

This post made me laugh so hard. I have been a stay at home mom for 11 years and although I have never peed the bed, my house is a pig sty most of the time, and the more kids I have the more difficult it is to keep on top of everything. After 11 years and baby number 3 and stressing about the dishes, and the cleaning, and the laundry, etc. I now try to not get stressed and just focus on what is important and that is the time I have with my little ones. Thanks for being honest and confessing these things it makes the rest of us feel less inadequate and more normal:)

I just dropped by from the Henley's

Leslie said...

Ok I laughed all the way through this post. I am so guilty of doing SO many of these....except the peeing in the bed. LOVE IT!