Monday, January 25, 2010

5 months old.

Dear Titus,

You turned 5 months old yesterday. Whoa. As I was leading worship yesterday at church, I couldn't help but think about the blessing you have been to our lives the past 5 months. I thank the Lord for your sweet little life all the time.
At 5 months you have just about started sleeping through the night. We started unsaddling you last weekend and you did really well most of the week. However, we've had a few minor set backs. I'm not sure what's going on, but you haven't slept well the last 3 nights in a row. All week long I would lay you in your crib and you would roll right over on your belly, move around and get comfortable and go right to sleep. I couldn't believe how much you liked sleeping on your tummy! You go to sleep around 7:45ish and most of the time wake up between 5 and 6, eat, and then go back to bed, in our bed with me until 8 or 9. I love that time, and to be honest, will probably always do it until you start sleeping longer in the mornings. I know you're not ready to fully wake up because you usually sleep for 3 more hours.
You love to giggle. It's my joy to watch your daddy walk in the door at night and to see your face LIGHT up and you start giggling! It's just crazy and melts my heart a ton! You started really eating rice cereal a few days ago. I haven't been consistent with it at all up until this weekend. Your dad fed you oatmeal cereal twice yesterday, and you ate EVERY BITE! Your daddy may just be feeding you that every night now! :) I thought I would wait until 6 months to fully feed any anything, however, you got teeth at 3 months and have been ready to eat for a while now.

You have almost mastered sitting up by yourself on the floor. It makes you frustrated when you fall over, but we will keep practicing. I'm scared you're about to start crawling very soon. You lift your arms all the way up like you are ready and stick your butt in the air. It's just crazy!
Your hair is getting lighter and lighter. Your bald spot is totally coming back blonde. Will you be a blonde little boy with blue eyes? Your daddy picked up yesterday and asked you if you were really his child. Your features are totally favoring your momma.

You LOVE Baby Faith and Baby Einstein still. You will crack up and carry on watching it in the evenings when momma cooks dinner. You still love your swing, however, you're getting too big for it. I'll be sad when we have to pack that thing up. I probably should check the weight limit. :)

You still talk ALL of the time. We took you to small group the other night and you were the life of the party. I started feeling bad that we were distracting everyone. You would look at someone and crack up for no reason! It was THE BEST!! I loved that everyone got to see your dramatic personality. And boy are you dramatic! :) When you get mad, you've started throwing your arms up in the air and your head back. It's hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time!. Geez, we have alot to "look forward" too huh. You don't mind your car seat anymore. Praise the Lord. You love being out and about.

You take 3 naps a day. Lately you've taken and hour and a half nap in the morning and afternoon and then about a 30 minute nap between 5 and 6. You play hard and sleep hard during the day. Boy does momma love nap times!

You've started to really take notice of your puppy. Charlie gives you kisses and you just giggle. You will follow her around the room all day long, but she sleeps most of the day so you can't. :)

You still don't mind the church nursery, thank goodness. However, you still have a bit of "stage fright" if other people get in your face and oo and aww over you and make high noises. You will stick that bottom lip out so far and try really hard not to cry. But, big crocodile tears fall. It's funny and sad all at the same time. Bless your sensitive heart.

Titus, you are a joy to your momma and dad. Your personality is getting so fun and I could just snuggle you all day. However, you don't like to snuggle. Maybe one of these days. I wish I could just stop time and have the days go by a bit slower. Before we know it, you'll be going through puberty. Oh Loooorrrd.
I love you Titus Garrett.

P.S. Pictures to come.


Kalliemack said...

Copeland loves Baby Einstein... I dont know what Baby Faith is I will have to look into that one.

Keely Trout said...

What sweet memories :)