Here's some of my favorites from my phone over the last 2 weeks.
My how time flies when you're having fun!
Titus at 2 months you:
-You weigh 13 lbs and 9 oz making you in the 95%. You're a BIG boy. :) I think it's all in your cheeks.
-You are 23 1/2 inches tall putting you in the 50-75%.
-You were so happy yesterday, the day you got your shots. You were even laughing at the nurse right before you she stuck you 3 times! Then, your mouth opened really wide, your face turned bright red, I picked your stiff body up and you let out the loudest most piercing, rhythmic scream I have ever heard. I should have blown on your face. I heard that's the trick to get you to breath again. You finally relaxed your body and kept screaming. Your dad and I just looked at each other in shock! I told him I had never heard you scream like that in the 2 months of your life! I cried right along with you and your dad wiped my tears. You were quickly soothed by your paci and fell asleep in your car seat on the 10 minute ride home. Luckily you didn't run a fever and were pretty happy the rest of the day. Can't wait till 4 months. least I'll be prepared this time.
-sleep fairly well at night. Most nights you go to bed at 10pm and wake up between 2:30-4:30am to eat and then go back to sleep around 8. The last couple of nights, you've woken up at 2:30 and 6 and then go back to sleep till 9am. I shouldn't complain. You're getting there.
-you hate to be swaddled, however, it's the only way to sleep. You're a very active baby, so this causes a problem when it's time to sleep. You'll kick and flail your arms forever.
-Since you're such an active baby, this sometimes causes a problem when you eat. You prefer to push off whatever chair I'm feeding you in while eating. Which has caused a few blisters on my end. :)
-You smile, talk and laugh all day long. Especially when your dad gets home. It doesn't matter if you are sound hear his voice, open your eyes and crack up! It's crazy!! But it melts my heart and I look forward to that time every single day.
-You started taking naps in your crib a few weeks ago and have done pretty well! Your "nana T" bought you a really cool mobile, but you sometimes prefer to laugh at your bumper pad. The contrasting colors crack you up!
-You really enjoy your paci. If I put it in your mouth, it immediately triggers sleepy time. You suck on it really hard!
-When you are tired you have this hilarious yell. It's not crying, just yelling. It makes us laugh so we like to torture you and watch you do it.
-Just this week you've started fighting sleep. You'd much rather be awake this week....opposite of how you've been for the past few weeks.
-You went on your first trip to Abilene last weekend. You got to meet your great-grandparents, great aunts, cousins, etc. You were really tired when we got home, but slept great while we were there!
-You hate your car seat. Pretty soon you're going to start bucking when I put you in it. But, if I keep talking to you or sit by you, you enjoy it. This poses a problem when I'm not sitting back there with you.
-You have yet to attend church. Your mom and dad are really scared of the SW$NE FL#. Darn pigs.
-Your eyes are still very blue.
-Your hair is turning auburn, but has blonde roots.
-You have bad skin like your dad. Everything gives you a rash. Cortisone clears it up every time!
-You LOVE your changing table. You'll talk and laugh all day long.
-If you are fussy, the swing calms you down almost immediately. You will sleep in it for at least 2 hours. :)
-If you are fussy, the swing calms you down almost immediately. You will sleep in it for at least 2 hours. :)
Dear Titus,
I can't believe you are 2 months old. I never thought I could love you so much. You are constantly making me laugh and cry all at the same time. Your precious voice sends me over the edge!! I can't wait to watch you grow into a really strong boy. After all, you already are. Your family adores you and dotes on you all day long. :) Thank you Lord for this precious gift. Give Peter and I wisdom and faith as your parents. Lord I pray you capture Titus' heart early, so that he too can know your love.
Love, Mom