Monday, February 16, 2009

12 weeks!

Well, I made it to 12 weeks! Whew.

It's been a ROUGH couple of weeks. In fact, last week was my first week to throw up. And you know what, I threw up almost every single day. I think I might have had a bug on Thursday...and haven't really bounced back. Poor Peter...he witnessed it a few times. In the bathtub, on the bathroom floor?!? I mean I felt like a little kid. HELPLESS. But, I think that part is over. Praise HIS name it wasn't like that the whole first trimester. I go to the doctor this afternoon for a check-up. Happy President's Day! Yea, I have an unexpected day off. We worked our tails off this weekend due to Valentine's Day. WAY worse than a retail store at Christmas time....let me tell you!!

I'm going to start taking pictures of myself this week. I know you've all been waiting. I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday, so that will probably be a monumental day. :)

Peter and I didn't really celebrate Valentine's this year due to all my sickness and me working. He did give me a sweet card. We celebrated last Friday night early at Pappa's Steakhouse. We hadn't been on a fun date since before Christmas, and I was CRAVING a steak. I didn't even get Peter a card!!! Flowers, well...I work at flower store. Although I never get tired of them.

Our house is coming along. In fact, Peter finished putting up most of the baseboards this weekend. I bought some furniture to semi-complete our sitting/dining room that I am very excited about. I'm sure you can guess where....of course Weir's. We buy everything there. Luckily I caught the President's Day sale this morning. I'll soon post pics when we are almost finished. Now I'm itching for some new bedding. I know I know....ridiculous.

Well, I guess you'll all have to stay tuned for some pictures later on this week. I'm spending the weekend celebrating one of my favorite girl's birthday at Possum Kingdom Lake! Hallelujah for a semi-vacash!!!!

Anyways, Happy post Valentine's and President's Day everyone!!



andydawn said...

YEAH for 12 weeks!! Sorry you were feeling yuck! At least that is probably behind you now and on to the fun part...GROWING AND KICKING :)

ThePoeFam said...

Thanks for the birthday wish! ... And WHOO HOO for 12 weeks! You're going to start enjoying pregnancy any day now and I can't wait!!! Call me if you ever want to talk pregnancy/baby! You know I love it...and I LOVE YOU!!!! Wanna do lunch next week or the next!?!? Q misses his Auntie Molly!

erin f. said...

Hi Molly - I hope you remember me from ACU (used to be Erin Norton) but I stumbled upon your blog and realized that you are due around the same time I am with your baby! Congratulations! Sorry to hear you have been throwing up, I have had the same thing for the past month and praying that it goes away soon. I hear all these wonderful stories about the 2nd trimester and hoping they are true. I hope everything goes perfectly with your pregnancy!

erin f. said...

Hi! Thanks for your comment - I have to say that I know how you feel about the math not adding up on your due date. I would swear on my life that I am about 5 day earlier than they told me but the doctor told me Aug. 24th so I am sticking with it.

I am one of those crazy people who looks up every little weird thing that happens to me online and then freaks myself out by information overload! I think I need to just relax but I can't help myself!

Sum said...

Pictures soon please!!!!!